To My Nonverbal Child: Our Love Will Never Need Words

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“Raising a non-verbal child taught me to communicate with more than mere words and to listen with more than mere ears. 

I don’t need words to catch the joy dancing behind Mason’s eyes when he sees me enter a room. 

I don’t need his voice to tell me he loves me when I have the strength of his embrace that follows after he wraps his arms around my neck. 

No amount of speech can match the magnitude that comes with his bedtime kisses or late-night cuddles. 

Every flick of his eyes or subtle dip of his chin speaks louder to me than any conversation ever could. 

One of my favorite things to do with Mason is to bring my forehead to his, knowing that when I do, he will place the back of his hand against my chest, right over my heart. 

Words can’t do those moments justice. 

No phrase or sentence could even begin to scratch the surface of the interest behind Mason’s gaze as my heartbeat pulses against his hand. 

No amount of syllables strung together could ever recreate the magic that happens when my son looks directly into my eyes, and behind his gaze, I see everything he can’t yet say. 

And as much as I would love to hear Mason’s sweet words, I know our love has never needed them. 

If Mason and I can only ever communicate with our hearts, I will count myself blessed, because our love has not and never will need words.”

Courtesy of Lindsay Armstrong

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Lindsay Armstrong, 26, of Leander, Texas. Follow her journey on Instagram here and visit her website here. Submit your own story here.

Read more about autism:

‘What happens to my girl when society realizes it’s not ‘cute’ anymore? How do I make people see the beauty I see?’: Mom to daughter with autism urges us to challenge our idea of beauty

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