‘When the doctor screamed, ‘It’s a girl!’ I pictured ribbons, bows, and princess movies. Having a daughter is nothing like I thought it would be.’: Girl mom urges ‘it is so very much more’

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“Having a daughter is nothing like I thought it would be.

You see, the moment the doctor screamed, ‘It’s a girl!’ all I could picture was ribbons and bows, shopping trips, and princess movies.

And while I have enjoyed choosing a matching bow to go with her dresses, and admittedly walking with her through a store is a load of fun…

Being a mother to a daughter is so much more than that.

It’s repeating her worth to her. Over and over (and over) again. It’s repeating it so many times she gets tired of hearing it, in hopes that she will never forget it.

It’s reassuring her she is capable. Capable of whatever she decides to set her sights on. Capable of skills others will attempt to diminish just because she’s ‘a girl.’ Capable of achieving dreams, goals, and desires that would not only break glass ceilings, but would shatter them.

It’s showing her that she is strong. Strong in physical ability and strong in emotional ability. Strong enough to carry in the groceries herself, while being strong enough to tend to the hearts of others. Strong enough to walk through a world that will doubt her strength, with a head held high, and one mean handshake.

It’s encouraging her heart to have faith. To have the knowledge that she is never alone. To be able to sit when life is heavy and know she doesn’t carry her burdens without help. To be confident enough to have trust in her choices, knowing she is being guided along the way. The ability to place her hand over her heart and know she was given that rhythmic beat for a reason. A belief that she is here for a purpose.

It’s reminding her that her body is a vessel to be loved, respected, and adored; it is not to be used, abused, nor taken for granted. Telling her it will grow hips, courage, stretch marks, bravery, wrinkles, and strength. And reminding her to never look at it as anything less than the (beautiful) temple it is.

So, no, having a daughter is nothing like I thought it would be.

It is so very much more.”

Courtesy of Heather Delaney

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Heather Delaney of Love Always, Heather. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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