“Anxiety. Panic. Scared. Fear. Worried. Shortage. Death Toll. Concern.
Did you feel the same way I did just by reading those words?! Honestly, could you physically feel the weight of them?
I will admit, I had a moment where I felt the anxiety surrounded by COVID-19.
By watching the news, I realized I was allowing them to tell me how I should feel instead of owning that for myself.
I’m not oblivious to what’s going on. I get it to the best of my ability. I’m not a scientist. But I don’t have to be all up in it, to get it.
I also understand that how I’m feeling, is a CHOICE.
I choose to not be scared or marinate in fear during this time.
Things are going to happen regardless of how I feel. So, I can either do my part with a smile on my face and with an attitude that serves me, or I can freak out and be miserable.
Either way…. it’s my choice.
I may not have control over a lot of what’s going on in the world, but I do have control over what’s going on in MY world.
And I CHOOSE to stay calm, have fun, be silly, have joy, experience happiness, be flexible, make pivots, and focus on the things I can control…. instead of what I can’t.

My heart feels peace because I know this too shall pass and I know WHO is really in control.
Is there really any problem too big for our God?
Sweet friend, is what you’re choosing right now serving you? Does the story you have on repeat, make you feel better? Are you marinating in fear?

We are human so it’s totally normal to have moments of unpleasant feelings or freak-out sessions! Acknowledge them WITHOUT shame and work through them so you can move forward. When we >>>marinate<<< in unpleasant feelings, we get more of them.
If the news makes you feel bad. STOP watching it. If family is freaking you out with all the stats, kindly ask them to stop. If your friends on social media are spreading negativity, unfollow them. Let’s be real, some people live for the drama, gossip, and to whine and complain.
We can see this as a time in our life where things are being taken from us and how we are missing out on things…….or, we can view it as a time to reset, refocus, and recommit……and maybe be a bit crazy without judgement!
And then when we are allowed to be around each other……hug the crap out of one another and do a happy dance!
Do the things you know that will lift your spirit. Move your body. Blast some KSBJ. Send someone a sweet text. Create FREE content. Read a book. Listen to an UPLIFTING podcast. Zoom with some friends. Whatever it is that makes you feel better, do more of that.

And never forget, boiling water hardens an egg but softens a potato. It’s not about the circumstance sweet friend, it’s about what you’re made of. Are you an egg or a potato?
Choose to continue living.
Some people aren’t getting to make that choice because it’s being made for them.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Tracey Ferrin, 36, of Houston, Texas. Tracey’s new book “Up Struggle” is available now here. Follow her journey on Instagram here and Facebook here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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