‘1 in 80,000 moment.’: Baby born with amniotic sac still covering head surprises parents

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“To be ‘born with the caul’ means a baby or a child is born with a portion of the amniotic sac or membrane remaining on the head. Being born with a caul is rare, occurring in fewer than 1 in 80,000 births.

Annabelle Burow was born February 21 at 8:05 a.m. via C-section. Sometimes we get too caught up in the excitement and forget to take a step back and realize the miracle of birth itself.

OBGYN touching newborn whose head is still covered in amniotic sac

We actually didn’t know Annabelle would be born in the caul. It usually breaks, which is why this is so rare. This was my second C-section so it wasn’t something I was expecting to see! I think this is cool because it just goes to show that no matter how you deliver, vaginal or C-section, you get a beautiful baby either way!

Close up of OBGYN touching newborn whose head is still in amniotic sac

The baby’s father told Love What Matters he quickly snapped photos of the rare occurrence, after the nurse assured him everything was OK. 

“When I first saw the bubble I was just confused. This didn’t look anything like our son did 17 months earlier. Then I made out her face and got scared for a moment. I thought, ‘This isn’t right! I’ve never seen this.’ I immediately looked at the nurse for reassurance. She said, ‘Quick take a picture, you don’t want to miss this.’ The lack of worry in her expression leveled me out, and without even knowing what I was looking at, I snapped some shots. I didn’t know it was going to be a 1 in 80,000 moment.”

“We are completely in awe and I can tell you nothing — no moment — can top hearing my babies cry for the first time.

Nurse holding up newborn whose head was still stuck in amniotic sac

No moment can top the first time they were placed in my arms.

Woman who just gave birth to baby whose head was stuck in amniotic sac holds newborn to chest

Babies are such a blessing, such a gift and forever a miracle.”

Newborn whose head was stuck in amniotic sac lies on back and adult hand with baby footprint on it touches it’s chest

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Rachael Burrow of Buffalo, New York. 

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