“This is NOT ok. As I was scrolling through my Instagram account, this one comment stopped me in my tracks.
Just stop having kids. This one will probably die too.
I’m used to the negative comments. That’s part of putting yourself out there. Not only am I honest in my writing, I’m also in the public eye, which means the trolls come out in full force to attack my appearance. I’ve grown a thick skin over the years and usually laugh off the negative feedback. But every so often, a comment makes my blood boil.
As I read this terrible comment, my jaw dropped on the ground. This same woman went through my Instagram pictures and attacked me and my children several times. It’s what we call a ‘troll.’ I usually just delete and move on, but this one woman got under my skin and I couldn’t just ignore the comments she made.

I know this woman knows nothing about my family and I doubt she’s ever experienced the unimaginable loss of a child. There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think about my triplets, my lone survivor and my two children in Heaven. While society expects us to ‘move on’ and even bury our grief, my life will never be the same after experiencing the loss of two children. Even nearly six years later, I have moments of deep sorrow, when my heart physically aches knowing that two of my children will never play with their sister on earth. You never forget your children, you never ‘move on.’ Instead, we spend our lives figuring out a balance of honoring and remembering our children, while finding how to be happy and live life after loss.
I didn’t even respond to her, instead, I quickly blocked her from my account. What I never understand, though, is why people feel the need to spew hatred? If you don’t like what you see on my social media, then don’t follow and move on with your life.
So why did I feel the need to share this terrible comment? Because I wanted to show you that life isn’t perfect on social media. I put myself out there. I write about a wide range of topics from parenting, to funny life stories, to tragedies like losing a child. I don’t write because I like to hear myself talk. I don’t write because I want those ‘likes’ on my page. I write because I can make a difference.
I began writing as therapy. It was a way to work through the darkest days after two of my triplets died. What I didn’t realize as I began typing away was I could make a difference in so many lives through writing. As I began baring my soul with the world, I started hearing from others who have experienced loss, premature birth and the typical trials and tribulations of parenting.
Much like so many others, writing became part of my life. I have this unique platform where I can be brutally honest and where people can feel connected when they feel empty and heartbroken inside. I can help others feel like they are not alone. And as much as I help others by sharing the ups and downs in my life, you all have helped me more than you’ll ever know. You’ve cheered me on as I share exciting milestones in my life and you’ve wrapped me prayer when I feel broken.
I won’t give this nasty woman another moment of my time. She didn’t deserve a response. I quickly deleted her comments and blocked her and washed my hands of this negativity. As I often remind myself, it takes a lot for us to put ourselves out there. If I can touch even just one person with my words, then I’ve done my job.”
This story was written by Stacey Skrysak, an award winning television journalist based in Illinois. It originally appeared on her blog. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Submit your own story here, and subscribe to our best stories in our free newsletter here.
Read more about Stacey’s triplets:
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