‘My daughter went to the toilet today. On her own. She’s 4. They WILL get there in their OWN time.’: Mom to daughter with autism urges ‘you’re doing GREAT’

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“My daughter went to the toilet today. On her own. She’s four.

She woke up today and decided she was content to wear underwear and go to the toilet.

It was that easy!

Actually, it wasn’t easy; that’s why I’m telling you.

I knew she was developmentally different for a long time, so it was a relief when 2020 gave us a diagnosis for ASD.

But it wasn’t before I was judged for my ‘bad parenting’ or not ‘trying hard enough’ or pressured and guilted into toilet training her.

It wasn’t before I was belittled for letting her take her own time because she was petrified of the toilet, because once upon a time I gave into the pressures and forced her.

And it wasn’t before I was then given the same speech when my son turned two.

I see it happen with so many parents. ‘My child isn’t doing this, what should I do?’

Unless there is something developmentally ‘wrong’…then nothing. You should do nothing, because they WILL get there in their own time.

Childhood is not a race, and we should not feel pressured to make our children ‘perform’ like a circus act because a textbook from the 1800s says so.

All kids are different, but they will get there in their own way.

Just ask Sofia, who slammed the door on me because, ‘A little bit of privacy please, mom.’ When they’re ready, it’ll be easier than the battles you’re facing now.

Deep breaths. You’re doing great.”

Courtesy of Laura Mazza

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza. Follow Laura on Instagram here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos

Read more from Laura here: 

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