‘I get it. I finally get it. You see moms committing suicide. And I couldn’t understand it. How do you leave your kids behind like that?’

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“I get it. I finally get it. You see moms committing suicide. And I couldn’t understand it. How do you leave your kids behind like that?

Postpartum depression is what they call it.

And then everybody posts, ‘Oh, I never knew. She didn’t say anything. She seemed okay.’

She told you. And it seemed small to you, you didn’t get it. Behind on life, can’t get anything done.

She’s told you, ‘I can’t today. I have too much to do.’

Don’t offer to keep her kids. Because she won’t let you take them because she feels like she’s already not spending enough time with them.

I see it. I see you. I understand you.

If you want to check on somebody, stop by and visit, let her take a shower, help her some way so she feels like she’s not so behind.

There are your signs. Stop saying you didn’t know. Because she told you.”

Mother who will have postpartum depression lays in hospital bed with firstborn who holds newborn in her lap

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Madison Watkins, 21, of Caruthersville, Missouri. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.

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