“I knew from the very beginning I would have a hard time getting pregnant. I have PCOS and unless I am on medication, I never get a period. So when Ryan and I decided to start trying we went and spoke to a fertility doctor right away. I tried clomid first, but unfortunately I never ovulated, so after several cycles we started to look in to an alternative route. I spoke with my OBGYN and he recommended a fertility doctor to me. He said, ‘If he can’t get you pregnant, nobody can.’ I immediately made an appointment. This doctor was over an hour away, but if he could make me a mom, I would do ANYTHING! Ryan and I met him and knew we were in the right hands. Dr. Werlin is one of the most loving, caring men I have ever met, he makes you immediately feel comfortable and like you’ve known him for years. After discussing our next options, we decided to try IUI. We knew it was only a 15% chance I would get pregnant, but it was about 1/4 of the price of IVF. We decided we would give this one try, and if it didn’t work, we would go immediately to IVF.

When it came time to insemination, I was told I had four follicles, and not to be worried, because it’s such a slim chance I was going to get pregnant, we only needed one to take. Right before the ‘two week wait’ was over to find out if I was pregnant I developed OHSS. Basically, what happens is you start retaining fluid in your abdomen. I literally gained 15 pounds overnight, I had my stomach drained two days later, and the next morning the fluid was back. I was in the most excruciating pain of my life, but it was all worth it because I was finally pregnant. As the next couple weeks passed the pain started to subside, and I could really just enjoy being pregnant.
At five weeks Ryan and I went in for an ultrasound and we found out we were having twins! That early in the pregnancy the babies look basically like little black dots, and we actually saw three, but the doctor didn’t think it was a baby. At the six week ultrasound Ryan couldn’t go with me because of work, but my mom was able to go. I had promised Ryan that whatever the number of babies it was, I wouldn’t joke when I called him. As I laid on the table, Dr. Werlin looked at me and said, ‘Well Britt, we didn’t plan for this.’ I thought I had lost them. Then he said, ‘THERE’S FOUR!’ I went from complete devastation, to being scared to death within seconds. I thank God every day that my mom was there because all she did was stay so positive and tell me it’s all going to be fine. Now came the fun part – I had to call Ryan. I called him at work, and I kept my end of the bargain. I, in fact, did not lie about the number of babies. We were going to be parents to quadruplets!!!
Right away I asked him, ‘So how many do you think?’ He thought there was only going to be one. When he heard there was FOUR, all he kept saying was ‘Are you serious?!’ Once he was convinced, all he said was ‘huh!’ That reaction made me a little nervous. He always wanted five kids, and I wanted three, so we had the perfect compromise. After it sunk in, he said, ‘We’ll be fine,’ and I knew he was right!
I had an extremely easy pregnancy. I didn’t have any morning sickness, and I now was able to eat 4,000 calories a day! As a person who has always dieted, I was in heaven eating pizza, cheeseburgers and milkshakes every day. It was glorious!!! At week 24 I was bleeding pretty heavily (which had happened in the past, but they always sent me home), but this time I stayed until I delivered the babies at 32 weeks.

The morning of my C-section, all of the doctors and nurses came in, we prayed, and then we did a conga line to the delivery room. This was the first time since finding out I was having quadruplets I was so scared. I didn’t know if they would be okay, or if I would survive. As I laid on that table, they pulled Haley out, and I heard her cry, it was the greatest sound I ever heard. I immediately asked if she was okay, and she was perfect! One after another the same thing would happen. They would pull out a baby, they would cry, and I would ensure they were okay. Within three minutes I went from being a wife, to a mom of four! Later that evening I was finally able to see the babies. I had a cupcake for each one of them with a ‘0’ candle to celebrate their BIRTHday. I knew from that moment on my life would never be the same.

Those first few days were so hard watching them all hooked up to so many machines, but it slowly got easier. Six weeks later, on Mother’s Day Weekend, I brought Haley, Lucas and Jacob home. Ryan and I had been staying at a home the Ronald McDonald house had given us, and since we had three with us now, we knew it was time to transition back to our house. Leaving Regan at the hospital, being an hour away from her was the hardest time in my life! I didn’t want any pictures taken, or make any memories until my baby girl joined us! Three weeks later I got the call to come get her, and we were overjoyed! I’ll never forget our first family photo at home, I don’t think I have ever smiled so big.

Now the real fun was beginning! For about four months I slept on the couch downstairs. I did not have any help at night, but I liked it that way. I would feed all four by myself, and continued to pump, so after that was done, I would have about 15 minutes and it would be time to start over. I luckily have always been a person who could go off very little sleep, and man did that come in handy! On the weekends Ryan’s parents would stay with us and help, so I could get more sleep then. During the week when my mom was here, I could sleep during the day then too. I also had a group of incredible women who would come during the week to help with day feedings so I could at least get a shower in.

Looking back now I’m not sure how I did it, but I honestly think I was filled with such overwhelming joy I couldn’t care less if I was exhausted. By six months, the babies were sleeping through the night, so I transitioned them to their cribs and I could then sleep in my bed again with Ryan. Before I knew it, their first birthday had come and we had a huge celebration with family, friends, and the amazing people who helped take care of me and the kids in the hospital. It was such a great day filled with love, laughter and memories.

Now here we are, almost five years later, and I cannot believe it. I made it through potty training. If I never change a diaper again for the rest of my life, it will be too soon! We also made it through the threenager years, and the fournadoes. These past two years have definitely tested me more than I knew was possible with the tattling, talking back, attitude problems, and the fit throwing. But I see light at the end of the tunnel! God gave me a life I could have only dreamed of. I am not a perfect mom by any means, but I know being their mom is exactly who I’m supposed to be, and I wouldn’t change a thing!”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Brittany Stuit of Colleyville, Texas. You can follow their journey on Instagram. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here, and subscribe to our best stories in our free newsletter here.
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