‘We received our test results: positive. I’d done so much to avoid being infected. But there I was, staring at the inevitable rear its ugly head.’: Family recovering from COVID-19 urges ‘love hard, tomorrow is not promised’

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“When my husband first noticed his low-grade fever, I remember being angry. I was angry at the possibility of what was realized.

I had done so much to minimize my contact with people to avoid being infected.

But there I was, staring at the inevitable rearing its ugly head in the form of a low-grade fever of 99.2.

Today, we received our test results: positive.

Although I didn’t need a positive test to tell me what I already knew.

Courtesy of Tiffany Moorer

It had been 14 days of sickness for me and 16 for my husband…

This sickness is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It seemed like it was never going to end.

The worst day was inexplicable; to lift my head off the pillow caused pulses of what felt like electricity trying to find a way out of my skull.

My body was void of virtually all energy. When my fever would spike, chills would cause my body to shake, sometimes uncontrollably.

And the cough. Oh, the horrible cough hurt so deep within my chest. Unfortunately, I was constantly reminded of the importance of Kegels…especially after childbirth.

I often found myself trying to remember what ‘normal’ felt like.

When you hear the word pandemic, it causes an unsettling in your being and a panic in your soul.

As a parent, you just want to protect your kids and keep them safe from all of the monsters of this world.

But what do you do when the monster is invisible and threatens life as you know it?

We are among the fortunate ones and what we experienced is considered ‘mild.’

But believe me, by no means necessary, did it feel anything near mild.

The worry in my heart for my children was so great, yet it was still covered by a sickness that made it seem impossible to even think.

So I did the only thing I knew to do… I prayed and prayed. I prayed that they would not get sick and that we wouldn’t get any worse.

Courtesy of Tiffany Moorer

However, one by one, they each started to have a low-grade fever.

First up was my 12-year-old. She has asthma and I was a nervous wreck…I had already spent eight days in the hospital with her in January with pneumonia.

But she was only sick for two days and then completely fine.

For my 2 and 15-year-old, it was nothing more than a few days of a low-grade fever.

Courtesy of Tiffany Moorer

There is something that definitely changes me knowing that our results were positive.

Things could’ve gone differently, things could’ve been far worse… BUT GOD.

Today we are feeling better, although we are still not 100%.

However, my family is still intact, we are all still here, and we are all going to be alright.

Through it all my 12-year-old daughter was my rock star. If it wasn’t for her and all her help, I truly don’t know how we would have been able to care for our 2 year old.

It was truly amazing to watch her rise up and be everything we needed and more.

Courtesy of Tiffany Moorer
Courtesy of Tiffany Moorer

Nothing matters more than God and family…

Love them both hard and leave nothing to chance because tomorrow is not promised.

Stay home, stay healthy, and stay safe.”

Courtesy of Tiffany Moorer

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Tiffany Moorer, and originally appeared here. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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