“This morning I tore my very last contact, so I went to the grocery store in glasses.
At checkout, I realized I had misplaced my debit card, but no biggie! I also had my husband’s.
Well, I used the wrong PIN, so the bank marked it as stolen, and our bank account froze. I tried to unfreeze it, but my phone died in the process. Then I remembered I had a check. After all of that, I stepped outside with my groceries.
And that’s when it decided to storm.
At home, it took three trips to get everything inside, and even my bra was soaking wet. A cardboard box holding Danimal smoothies was so soggy it tore open. Two smoothies exploded on the floor.
I allowed myself a minute to pout. I cried and said some choice words. Then I closed my eyes and I prayed for perspective because sometimes that’s the only way forward.
Ready? Let’s do this.
Yes, I was frustrated in the check out line, but at least I had money to pay. These wet bags will sustain my family for a week. In these times, that’s something to celebrate. I’m grateful to have these groceries.
And yeah, my hair is soaking wet, but you know what? It’s still on my head. My cancer didn’t require chemotherapy. I am grateful for a headful of soggy hair.
And even these dorky glasses are something to celebrate, because without them, the whole world is blurry. I relish the fact I can see actual blades of grass. I’m grateful to have dorky glasses.
And you know what else? Let the rain pour down. I love the way it feels on my skin.
Friends, we can’t control our circumstances, but we can change the way we see them. Close your eyes, and then open them up to a new perspective today. You might be amazed at the tiny miracles hidden within your struggle.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Mary Katherine Backstrom. Mary’s book Mom Babble: The Messy Truth about Motherhood is available here. Follow Mary on Instagram here. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best stories here.
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