‘I was SO proud of my body before kids. Even when I would drop a dress size, I never felt it.’: Mom finds self-worth after struggling with body image, eating disorders, ‘every stretch mark tells a story’

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“I was so proud of my body before kids, but for all the wrong reasons.

I used to feel so validated by being skinny.

I was more ‘attractive’ to men.

Found it easier to shop for clothes.

I was never questioned about my health.

Courtesy Laura Mazza

Being thin actually made me more acceptable in society, it made me seem like I had my life together. Crazy, right?

The reality, though? I had a terrible strict diet. So strict I’d have zero energy and headaches because I barely ate.

Which resulted in me binge eating some days, and then I developed disordered eating. I would dream I accidentally slipped up and ate too many calories, and wake in a panic—that’s how obsessed I was.

I didn’t feel fulfilled—even when I dropped a dress size, I never felt fulfilled. I always felt like I was too fat and wanted to lose even more weight.

Now? I am happy. I am free of that thinking. I am not validated by what others think of me.

Courtesy Laura Mazza

I created life. Three little lives. Three beautiful humans. With personalities. And I cannot think of a more wonderful reason to be so proud of my body.

My body, in all its glory now, is so valid. I have three little boofheads bringing me so much joy. A joy I’ve never known. And I am so fulfilled.

I have made something worth every stretch mark, every ripple, every dimple. My body represents the love I grew inside, and that is something to feel so proud and fulfilled about.

Mama, your body is worth all the love right now, and more.”

Courtesy Laura Mazza

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza. Follow Laura on Instagram hereDo you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

Read more from Laura here: 

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