“For the Struggling Mom, you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who’s hanging on by a thread from sleepless nights with your newborn baby…you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who is battling critical comments from family members and strangers in the store in how you raise your kids…you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who’s juggling pre-teens, teens, hormones, and sassy attitudes…you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who isn’t sure she can make it another day inside her house during this pandemic…you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who’s battling thoughts in her mind that aren’t reality…you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who can’t craft worth a lick and the mom whose house looks like a Pinterest dream…you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who’s waiting to see new life breathed into her present situation and is waiting patiently and expectantly…you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who’s suffering from anxiety, PPD, depression, and more…you’re doing this beautifully.
For the mom who needs a true friend to check in and care…you’re doing this beautifully.
You’re doing this motherhood thing beautifully. You’re exactly who your children need – no matter your struggles and imperfections.
You were chosen for this moment, for such a time as this. Your gifts and abilities matter to your family and to this world.
But I’ve failed and I can’t dig myself out of this pit…you say.
Well, you have breath in your lungs. You got out of bed this morning and you took the next right step. You fed your children and took care of your responsibilities. You took a shower and got yourself ready.
That’s courage, mama. That’s being brave during this intense struggle.
Your eyes are wide open to read the words on this page.
You’re loving your people. You’re loving what matters. And what matters most to you is at your fingertips.
All is not lost. There’s so much around you to be grateful for. Write those things down. Share them with your loved ones and friends. You’ve been given so much.
Start climbing your way out of the dark hole knowing how deeply loved you are. You’re seen. You’re noticed and appreciated.
Don’t let discouragements and setbacks keep you from moving forward. When your soul feels dark and the world’s problems are caving in on you, don’t lose hope.
Remember the pain you’re feeling won’t last forever. It will be used for good and for a purpose. Great victories and successes are often birthed from opposition, adversity, and hardship.
You’re not alone. Be strong. Hold tight. Light is coming. We’ll get through this together.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Samantha Krieger. She is the author of Quiet Time: A 30-day Devotional Retreat for Moms in the Trenches. You can follow her journey on Facebook and Instagram. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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