‘Your baby doesn’t go home with a quick fix prescription. You know every inch of the hospital. Life can’t resume as normal.’: Mom pens appreciation letter for ‘mamas of very sick kids’

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“Mamas of kids who are very sick, this one’s for you.

I recently took my otherwise healthy daughter to the ER for lethargy and a high fever.

My heart raced as I drove.

I was sweating as I brought her in because I was worried and nervous.

We waited for a while and my daughter fell asleep.

In the darkened room as I watched her rest, I listened.

I heard beeping and babies crying.

I heard conversations both serious and silly.

I prayed the entire time.

For the baby next door who cried the full three hours, we were there.

I prayed for his mama who paced every open space of that tiny square room.

The thing is, we don’t always acknowledge the mamas who do this every day.

Who know every inch of the hospital and who sits and waits and consoles.

This one is for the moms who know they don’t get to go home with their baby with a quick fix prescription.

The ones who can’t resume life as normal in a few days like the rest of us.

I see you.

I pray for you.

You are doing amazing things just being in the moment of the unknown, holding steadfast for your little one.

As I walked out the door and put my baby in the car to go home, I looked up at the hospital and lifted my arm in solidarity.

This one’s for you, the mama of a sick child.

All of us stand with you.”

Courtesy of Sabrina French

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Sabrina French of French’s Findings. You can follow her journey on InstagramSubmit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

Read more from Sabrina here:

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